7-10 December 2009
Dakar, Senegal
Download the agenda.
This training for millers and regulatory officials in West Africa equipped key individuals with the necessary skills to train their peers in the multiple facets of flour fortification. The roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder were outlined, and the importance of developing standards, as well as monitoring and evaluation systems, was stressed. An emphasis was placed on including both industry and government leaders in the workshop so they received the same messages. A highlight of the workshop was a field visit to the Grands Moulins de Dakar, the largest flour mill in the region, where participants observed the mill’s quality control measures. The 76 participants represented flour and baking industries from 11 countries, and government officials from 18 countries.
In English:
- Consequences of micronutrient deficiencies in Africa
- Flour Fortification Overview
- Making the Economic Case for UEMOA Land
- National Flour Fortification Programmes Roles and Responsibilities– Panel Discussion
- Monitoring and Evaluation system for Food Fortification Programmes- Government Regulatory Monitoring
- A Monitoring and Evaluation system for Food Fortification Programmes – Household\individual monitoring and evaluation
- Monitoring & Evaluation Issues – The GAIN Perspective
- Flour Fortification at the mill – Quality Assurance Principles and practices
- Sampling Plans and implementation
- Chemical Assays QC tests theory
- Premix storage, Feeder calibration, Fortification Process, Check weighing or computer control system, QA/QC procedures in the laboratory, Demonstration of Iron Spot Test for Iron and Demonstration of Iron Test for NaFeEDTA
- The Premix Facility from GAIN
- Advocacy, Social Marketing and Communication
- Closing statements
In French:
- Programmes d’Enrichissement de la Farine: Rôles et Responsabilités des Partenaires Internationaux
- Etude des Aspects Economiques: Analyse Coûts‐Avantages
- Farine enrichie: Perspective globale et regionale
- Conséquences des carences en micronutriments en Afrique –Pourquoi nous devons agir
- Assurance Qualité Externe: Surveillance nationale de la réglementation
- Production et Distribution Assurance Qualité – Principes et Pratiques
- Systeme National de Controle de la Réglementation: Structure organisationnelle – Rôles et Responsabilités
- Systeme National de Controle de la Réglementation: Essais Chimiques
- Systeme National de Controle de la Réglementation: Analyses Chimiques
- Systeme National de Surveillance de la Réglementation: Plans d´échantillonnage et d’exécution
- Un nouveau Test Colorimetric pour le NeNaEDTA dans la Farine
- Ce que l´enrichissement en masse peut ou ne peut pas faire et Implications pour les interventions des autres micronutriments
- Test Colorimetrique d’identification de FeNa-EDTA dans la Farine
- Suivi & Évaluation Programmes d’enrichissement de produits alimentaires: Un aperçu
Click here for the evaluation.